Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (4-17-12)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week, 
they post a different topic, and you get to create your own top ten list. So, this week's 
topic is:

Tips For New Book Bloggers

1) Have fun! (probably the most important thing. If you aren't having fun, then don't blog)

2) Reach out to other bloggers (don't be scared to comment/message/email other bloggers. Whether it be to say how much to like their blog to asking a question. I consider the book blogging community to be a group of really nice people, so don't be scared to talk with others!)

3) Keep your blog simple (make sure that your blog looks like you, but don't do to much. Those blogs that have tons of graphics, flashing stickers, ads/links all over the place, they are so distracting. Honestly, when I click onto these sites, the moment I see all that stuff, I close out without reading a thing.)

4) Do what works for you (don't feel the pressure to do what everyone else is doing! If you don't like doing memes, then don't. If you like doing movie reviews and book reviews, go for it! Just do what works for you!)

5) Don't stress (if you feel stressed from blogging, then take a break. You should never feel pressure to read/do something.)

6) Don't be afraid to try new things! (whether it's trying out a different review style, rating system, or genre, go ahead and try things out. You won't ever figure out what you like until you try something out.)

7) It's not all about the numbers (don't worry if you don't have tons of readers or pageviews. Some of my favorite blogs don't have tons of readers. And that's okay! Just because you don't have a lot of readers doesn't mean that you aren't a good blogger!)

8) Be honest (when reviewing books, be honest! If you didn't like a book, say it. If you hated it, say that! I hate when people beat around the bush because they didn't like something instead of coming out and saying it.)

9) Don't feel contained (if you tend to read chick lit, don't feel like that's all you should read. Branch out and try new genres! I love blogs who don't stick to one thing ... remember, variety is the spice of life!)

10) BE YOU!!! (perhaps the most important tip of all. Don't try to conform to the group. If you don't like YA, don't feel the pressure to follow all those other bloggers who love YA (I feel like a lot of bloggers do this!) And if you aren't being true to who you are, it can come across in your blog!)


  1. #7...I have to constantly remind myself NOT to get distracted by the numbers. I blog for me. I write for me. If people stumble across my blog and comment, great. If not, so be it. I am still ok and will continue. :)

  2. I love your tips - especially about not feeling too constrained. I like blogs that review all 1 genre, but also many that discuss a variety of genres too.


  3. I wish someone had told me to reach out to bloggers sooner. I was so intimidated and it took forever for me to get up the nerve to even tell a blogger that I enjoyed her blog.
