Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Into Reading 2011: Week 1 Question

Fall Into Reading Challenge is hosted by Callapidder Days. Each Wednesday, she will post a different question. This week's question:

How much do book reviews influence your decision to 
acquire and/or read a book?

Other book reviews definitely influence by decision to read books! I don't rely on professional reviews so much, but knowing what fellow bloggers say about a book influences my decision to read or not to read. It also introduces me to a lot of books that I might not normally read. There are several bloggers who I love, and if they read something that isn't something I typically enjoy, and they like it, I'm more likely to check it out because of their positive review of it.

What about you? What role do reviews play in your decision to read a book


  1. I don't think I would buy a book or not buy a book solely based on anyone's recommendation. However, I will definitely use reviews as a starting point to investigate a book further, and there have been many books that I would never have known about were it not for fellow bloggers.
    In addition, many times a reviewer will highlight something about a book that is a deal breaker for me that is not apparent from the book's description, such as excessive violence, or abuse of children and animals that make the book unappealing to me.

  2. Reviews are so important for me!

    There's two ways for them to influence me: one, I have followed the reviewer closely and know how much I can trust their opinion to be similar to mine...

    And two, the simple fact of exposing the books. I do a lot of cover shopping, a lot of back blurb shopping... but I can't do any of that if I'm not aware of the existence of the book in the first place! Taking into account just how many books are published nowadays, I rely on reviewing blogs to hunt down my next treasures!

    Ron @ Stories of my life
