Friday, October 5, 2012

Book Blog Hop and Follow Friday (10-5-12)

The book blog hop is hopping to different hosts this month, so Some Remembered Tales asks:

Banned Books Week ends on the 6th. How do you feel about books being challenged to be banned from libraries or schools? Have you read any banned books?

I in no way agree with banning books. There is a great quote from Jon Stewart that I think works perfectly for this week:

That's what banning is all about. Trying to expand your ignorances onto other people. I have read many banned books and will continue to do so for the rest of my life!

Parajunkee asks:

What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Is it to one day become an author yourself, just for fun, maybe get some online attention, or maybe something very different?

I just blog for fun, hoping to post book reviews that people like and that they might find a new book to read.

So, what do you think of banned books? Why do you blog? Let me know and have a great weekend!


  1. LOVE that quote from Jon Stewart -- it does work perfectly!

  2. That quote is perfection.

    I blog for fun also. It does help with my report writing as far as thinking it through and editing before posting.

  3. I like his comment. :)

    I have read almost every one of those in the list in high school as required reading. :) They were not banned at that time. Ahhhh the late 1960's. :)

    Stop by to see the list I read. :) My link is below.

    Happy Hopping.

    Silver's Reviews

  4. I blog for fun plans to become an author.


    Silver's Reviews

  5. I really love that quote you found. I definitely think that books shouldn't be banned. For nearly any reason. As someone pointed out, I have much less tolerance for someone who posts a book entitled Pedophile for Dummies.

  6. Great Jon Stewart quote. Very appropriate!
