Friday, March 1, 2013

Book Blog Hop and Follow Friday (3-1-13)

Happy Friday everybody! And can you believe that it is March?!? It felt weird to put March as the date, just because I can't believe that the first two months of the year have flown by. They normally drag on for me, but they just went by in a snap this year. I know I am looking forward to the weather warming up so that I can spend some more time outside. Well, let's get onto the Friday fun ...

Billy at Coffee Addicted Writer asks:

You're going on a long train ride. What books will you bring to read?

It would probably be a Harry Potter book. If I'm on a train (which the odds of that happening are slim), I'm going to want to read something that I can get lost in. And, all the books are long enough that they would last me for the ride!

Parajunkee asks:

Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you’ve done, that as you gained more experience you were like — oops?

I would say trying to do everything to get people to follow me. I think I was doing a meme or two everyday for the first month or two that I started blogging. And then I realized how annoying that is for your blog to just have fluff on it, without many reviews, so that's probably my biggest oops.

So, what book would you take with you a long train ride? What early oopsies would you go back and fix? Let me know and have a great weekend!


  1. As for the early oopsies I would fix I would have to say that I would have choosen a niche to blog in a lot sooner. I thought of my reading and blogging as two seperate entities and it took me awhile to realize I could bring the two together in a blog. The answer to the first question can be seen here:

  2. I think the Oops question is more interesting than the Hop one, so I'm going to answer it instead -- I think the biggest oops I've made is reviewing books that I hated just because I felt like I HAD to finish and review it since an author/publisher/publicist sent it to me. I no longer feel that way. If I'm not enjoying a book, I don't finish it or review it. I think that's the fairest way to handle that particular situation.

    Happy Hopping!

  3. I definitely agree with the too many memes, I did that as well and it does make your blog look weird if you can hardly find the reviews between the memes! Thanks for sharing! Here's my Friday post!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. That's also my biggest mistake I think, as of late I've been finding it difficult to find a balance between blogging and life. It's easy to fall into that trap and write less reviews than intended for the sake of gaining followers. Also it's best to pick books you're really interested in because you're less likely to read and review them if you don't. When I started blogging I accepted a lot of requests from genres I don't normally read and while it helped expand my reading choices it wasn't a good idea. So that's my newbie blogging oops :P

    Great blog, New GFC Follower!

    My FF HERE.

    -Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

  5. I agree. Mention train, and how can you forget Hogwarts :)

    Kero from Kero's Book Blog

  6. I agree, have to have a balance between fluff and actual content.

    New follower.

    - Nyx @ Unraveling Words

  7. Getting lost in a book on a train ride is good especially if the landscape isn't anything great!!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. I can't read on a train, especially if I get the backwards facing seat! But I'd probably bring my kindle stuffed with Harry Potter novels, too!

    New follower!
    Tiffany @ A_TiffyFit's Reading Corner

  9. Great answer! Love Harry Potter!

    Kinx's Book Nook

  10. New follower here :)

    I agree - it can definitely be tough to find the right balance between meme type posts and review/book related posts, but it's good that you've found a happy medium now :)

    The Fiction Conniption's FF

  11. New follower! It can definitely be hard finding that balance.
    My FF
