Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (4-9-13)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week, 
they post a different topic, and you get to create your own top ten list. So, this week's 
topic is:

Favorite Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger

1) To Kill a Mockingbird - I actually did reread this one once I started blogging, but this is my favorite book ever, and I loved it way before I started blogging.

2) Harry Potter series - I've been reading this series for years now, and while I do tend to reread it every once in awhile, I haven't done so since I've started blogging.

3) Pride & Prejudice - I love Jane Austen and fell in love with this book while I was in high school.

4) An Irish Country Doctor series - I stumbled upon this book in Borders one day, purchased the first book, and became hooked. I still love it to this day.

5) Roots - I read this one summer during high school and fell in love with Kinte's story.

6) First Family - this is a work of nonfiction, chronicling the lives of John Adams and his wife, Abigail. It's based mostly on their letters, and it's amazing to see how they influenced one another and the formation of our country.

7) The Devil in the White City - this was my first foray into narrative nonfiction and I loved it! I have since reviewed quite a few narrative nonfiction books on my blog.

8) Tale of Two Cities - I read this back in high school for class and really enjoyed it. I have a copy that I keep on meaning to reread because I feel like I would have a new appreciation for it now that I am older, but it just keeps on waiting for me in my TBR pile.

9) Night - another book that I read during high school that I absolutely loved. It's a harrowing retelling of Elie Wiesel's time spent in a Nazi concentration camp.

10) Testimony - I read this during college, in one sitting. I was so absorbed in the story that I couldn't put it down, even to go and eat! 

There are so many books that it was hard to choose just ten! So, what books did you read before blogging that you loved? Let me know!


  1. Who is the author of Testimony? I tried googling it and I am guessing it is the book by Anita Shreve but wanted to double check. Sounds interesting!
    CeCe @ steamingmugofbooks.blogspot.com

  2. LOVE you have P&P on there. Isn't it just fantastic?
    Great TTT. I have heard such wonderful things about "Night". I really want to read it.
    And I have been curious about An Irish Country Doctor series. Glad you mentioned it. I will have to check it ou!

    My TTT
    Happy Reading!

  3. Oh I agree with so many of these, To Kill a Mocking Bird, HP, P&P. And Roots, I adored that book, makes me want to go root it out now and read again. Must look up Night, its a new one on me but I like the sound of it.

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

  4. I just read To Kill a Mocking Bird and P&P a few weeks ago! Loved P&P<3

  5. I am assuming Testimony by Anita Shreve, totally agree.
