Friday, April 12, 2013

Book Blog Hop and Follow Friday (4-12-13)

Happy Friday everyone! It looks like we finally received some April showers this morning here ... hopefully it won't last all weekend! We've been spoiled here in western Pennsylvania this past week ... it's been above 70 everyday! And if it has rained, it's been late at night, so it never had to affect the rest of your day! Well, let's get onto the Friday fun ...

What was the last book you read from a genre you don't normally read?

I just finished Sister by Rosamund Lupton a few days ago and it was fantastic! It's this mystery/thriller ... and not that I don't enjoy those books, but I try to read fewer of them so that I don't burn out on all that suspense!

Parajunkee asks:

We are about to see a lot of posts & tweets about reader conventions, RT, BEA, ALA and many more are starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?


Anything that would involve a break from my job for a few days is the one for me! Haha, but seriously, I've been so busy with work lately that my reading has been falling behind. 


So, what's the last book you read from a genre that you typically shy away from? Let me know and have a great weekend! 




  1. I don't often read a lot of mystery books any more but I am about to start what I hope will be a great mystery book.

  2. Ain't that the truth! I hadn't heard of BEA before yesterday when reading this week's FF and now I want to go so bad. Yet it being that it is the last few days of the month when I am usually very busy at work I am most hestitant because I don't know if I could take the time off.

    - CeCe @

  3. The last I read outside of my comfort zone was a mystery/thriller too - Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn. And it was so good.

    Tanya Patrice

  4. I would love to attend any of them. Since I live in Sweden it´s kind of hard though =)
    New Follower!

  5. I would love to go to BEA - NYC, blogger and author panels - it just seems so awesome to me.

    I'm an old GFC and Bloglovin' follower, wishing you a fantastic weekend.

    Here's my FF post for this week.

  6. Ha ha! I totally know what you mean about needing a break from my job. I stopped blogging for almost three weeks because I was so burned out from working. We definitely need a vacation!

    My Hop Post

  7. Good can get burned out in a certain genre.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. :) I know that if I am burned out, I return to my favorite genre just as a break from reading other types. Happy Reading!

    My Blog Hop Post
