Friday, January 27, 2012

Follow Friday and TGIF (1-27-12)

Happy Friday everybody! I hope that you are enjoying this last week of January (my goodnes, that went by quickly!) I have lost track of time this month and keep on thinking that there are a few weeks left for me to squeeze in a few more books. But nope, January is just about over. Well, here's hoping I can still squeeze in another book or two in these last few days of the month. Now, onto the Friday fun ...

Parajunkee asks:

Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

There are quite a few genres that I stay away from, but I will limit myself to just one. I avoid YA at all costs. I'm sorry, but I feel like since I am no longer a young adult, it's time for me to move on and read books that are more my own age. I know lots of you disagree with what I just said, but that's what I think!

GReads asks:

Buy or Borrow: Where do your books that you read come from? The bookstore? The library? Do you prefer to own a book, or have it on loan?

Great question! Most of the books that I read come from the library. I love to buy books, but that can get expensive. I do hit up the used book sale that my library has once a year and buy TONS of books then. I do prefer to own a book, but borrowing from the library will just have to do for now!

So, what genre do you avoid? Do you buy or borrow your books? Let me know, and have a great weekend!


  1. I need to start borrowing more books from the library! My wallet will DEFINITELY be grateful :)

  2. New Follower. I appreciate your honestly about YA books. here is my FF if you wanna follow
