Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2011 2011

Another month has flown by! It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. At the beginning of the month, I was looking forward to reading those books that we call "summer books" ... the easy reads, something light and not too dark or heavy, something that takes us away from where we are. While I have read several of those this month, it's hard to believe that there is only one month of summer left to try and fit all those summer reads in! Here's how my July looked, book-wise:

Number of Books Read: 9 
Reviews Done: 6
Favorite Book of This Month: of the ones I've written reviews for, it would be Faith: A Novel by Jennifer Haigh. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand was my favorite this month, but I have yet to write the review!
Least Favorite Book of this Month: The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean

I had such a productive reading month! Besides my least favorite book, everything that I read, I really enjoyed! I believe that the sunshine encourages me to read more ... I don't know why, but whenever it's sunny out, I'm drawn out to the comfy chairs on the deck to sit and read. In addition to this, I have acquired some new books (post about that coming soon) and planned my first vacation of the year (VEGAS!). Heading into the last month of summer, I'm hoping to keep up with my reading (this was my busiest reading month to date), and blogging (I have been lacking somewhat in keeping up with postings). I hope that everyone had a great month and here's looking forward to an even better August!

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