Thursday, May 2, 2013

Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2013

Well, another month has flown by! Seriously, where did April go?!? I feel like the month just started but then it was time to flip the calenders for May. I don't feel like April was my best reading month, and this whole year feels like I am constantly behind in my reading. I don't feel like I'm in a slump, but I'm definitely reading slower than I normally do. Hopefully, with summer right around the corner, I can pick up the pace and enjoy sitting outside and reading some more. Well, let's look at my month:

Number of Books Read This Month: 8

Books Read This Month:
Sister by Rosamund Lupton
The Villa by Nora Roberts (audiobook)
The Stuff That Never Happened by Maddie Dawson
Hope In a Jar by Beth Harbison (audiobook)
The Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout
Invisible by Carla Buckley
The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts (audiobook)
Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn

Favorite Book Read This Month: Sister by Rosamund Lupton
Least Favorite Book Read This Month: The Villa by Nora Roberts

It was a varied reading month for me, but no nonfiction. I need to change that ASAP. Anyone have any good biographies or memoirs that they have read lately?

Well, I hope that everyone had a great April, and here's looking forward to an even better May!

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